"If An Employer Is Willing To Offer It,

Real-Time Tax Savings Will Pay For It."

( 500,000+ Employees Enrolled So Far )

The U.S. Government's New Wellness Benefit Program:

Instantly Unlock Lower Payroll Taxes, Increase Each Employee's Earnings, & Give Your Employees Additional Wellness Benefits.

All Without Switching Healthcare Providers, Start Up Costs, Or Extra Work.

Have Our Certified Experts Unlock $100 - $200/Month Of Supplemental Employee Pay With A 100% Compliance Guarantee.

Finally: A 213d Qualified Plan That Is IRS Compliant!

The New, Federally-Incentivized, Supplemental Preventative Care & Wellness Benefit That:

Lowers Payroll Taxes, Increases Employee Take Home Pay, & Gives Employees Additional Benefits.

Insured By A 100% IRS Compliance Guarantee.

Without Setup Costs, Complicated Onboarding, Or Affecting Your Healthcare Provider(s).

Reduce Payroll Taxes By $50* Per Month Per Employee,

Reduce Employer Healthcare Costs, & Increase Employee Take Home Pay By $100-$200* Per Month.

(* Average Results)

The Benefits & The New Ruling:

15-Minute Overview

We Specialize In Large, Enterprise Companies

We are currently onboarding a Fortune 10 company and several Fortune 100:

Over 10 million employees are already enrolled or are in our pipeline for this new, compliant benefit.

Schedule a quick chat to learn how your company can participate, too.

Key Benefits For The Company

No Net Cost: Funded by real-time tax savings requiring zero out-of-pocket expense.

Immediate Payroll Tax Savings Incentive: Companies who offer the plan save on average $50 per employee per month in real time, through instant payroll tax reduction.

Seamless Launch: The setup process is automated, requiring minimal HR involvement, and there is no need to change current healthcare providers. It doesn't affect their current health and wellness plan: it's supplemental.

Boosts Operational Budget: The tax savings can free up significant resources while effectively providing a raise to employees without impacting the company’s budget.


A company with 1,000 employees on average is seeing a $50,000 reduction in monthly payroll taxes, in real time.

A company with 100,000 employees on average is seeing a $5,000,000 reduction in monthly payroll taxes, in real time.

Key Benefits For Employees

Instant Extra Compensation: While enrolled on the plan, employees will see an increase in their take-home pay of around $100 to $200 per month, depending on their income, ongoing while enrolled.

Supplemental Coverage: This new, preventative care and wellness plan includes 24/7 telemedicine, urgent care, prescription benefits, and wellness services, all without interfering with current healthcare or existing wellness plans.

Easy Enrollment: Employees simply enroll and immediately benefit from increased pay and added health benefits. We show them how to use their new benefits, so you don't have to.

Why Executives Love This

Personal Financial Benefit: Full-time executives receive the preventative care and wellness benefits and the increased take-home pay as well, just like the other employees.

Impress The Board & Stakeholders: Improve company margins, and also get the workforce excited about additional pay and new benefits, boosting morale and helping with retention.

Guaranteed Compliance: Zero risk. 100% IRS compliance guarantee provided through a triple indemnity insurance policy.

Third-Party Administrator: Uses one of the oldest third-party administrators in the USA which tracks all records for compliance and audit protection.

Eligibility Requirements

Business Eligibility: Companies with 10 or more full-time W-2 employees qualify.

Employee Eligibility: Employees must work 30+ hours per week to qualify for the benefits.

Simple Enrollment Process

Initial Discovery Call: Gather basic details like employee count, average salaries, and received a customized estimate.

Automated Setup: Our team assists in enrollment so minimal HR involvement is needed.

Employee Onboarding: Once enrolled, employees can begin utilizing their new benefits and enjoy increased take-home pay starting on their next pay period.

Provider Is A Nationally Licensed Broker: 56 years in business with a deep understanding of the relevant tax codes for ensuring compliance.

Book Your Discovery Call

Ready to explore how the program works?

Book in an informational Zoom chat with one of our licensed Marketing Directors:

☑️ Get a brief overview of this new, "real-time" payroll tax savings opportunity,

☑️ Get a custom savings estimate,
☑️ Get an estimate of how much your employees will receive, and

☑️ See the additional preventative care & wellness benefits your employees will get.

Schedule your Discovery Call below:


~ The IRS said unfavorable things about tax saving plans many years ago. This is different?

The new tri-agency ruling on April 4, 2024 enables our plan: We have physicians and medical professionals through the telemedicine benefit. So this is a 213d qualified medical plan.

Plus, we have an insurance policy with an A+ rated carrier that guarantees no IRS recourse for the employer in writing, and we use one of the largest TPAs in Virginia.

~ Tax savings is paying for all of it? How?

The federal government is incentivizing business owners, employers, corporations, and even employees to offer and enroll in this health and wellness program by now paying them to do so.

And as long as an employer offers a qualified program through a qualified provider, they qualify for real-time payroll tax savings.

~ How much in payroll tax should we expect to save?

The average company we help enroll sees an average of $50 in monthly, real-time payroll tax savings for each full-time (30hr+/week) employee.


... 1,000 employees: $50,000 in monthly savings

... 100,000 employees: $5,000,000 in monthly savings

~ Does this work with Paychex, Paycom, ADP, etc?

Yes, this is currently compatible with all payroll vendors.

~ We already have a wellness plan. // We don't want to switch providers.

This is supplemental preventative care plan: We aren't here to compete with your existing plans or switch providers. There might be some overlap in benefits, but there's always something extra for everyone to get. So use this plan for whatever benefit your staff doesn't have yet.

Note: If you see a benefit overlap and want the cost savings of having a benefit provided by this plan, then of course. But the tax savings are here for you either way.

~ How long does this program go on for? We can just stay enrolled?

There's no current end date; we expect it to go on for years.

~ Can our accountant just enroll us directly with the government?

It's a regulated industry, and this preventative care plan must be provided through a licensed, qualified provider, so one of our licensed experts in this exact benefit program can help your company learn more and consider enrolling.

~ Is there a cost to enroll?

The "$50 average payroll tax savings per month per employee" figure is the net positive after the program's small admin fee. No net cost at any time.

~ Does this require a lot of setup time?

No. It's highly automated and fortunately very simple for HR to add in.

~ Can I learn more about all the features of this supplemental preventative care plan on our call?

Yes. In addition to the additional monthly compensation for employees, they also get things like $0 copay and discounts on 1,000+ generic medications at both retail and mail-order pharmacies, TeleCounseling 24/7/365, and more to help your workforce optimize their health.

~ What about city municipalities, school districts, and non-profits?

Yes. Those are eligible too, please schedule a call to talk more specifics.

~ What about a life insurance benefit?

A qualifying life insurance benefit is up next in development.

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Reduce Payroll Taxes | HealthGuard 2024

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